Chargebacks are when a patron contacts their credit card company or bank in regards to their purchase in an attempt to get a refund. Chargebacks are hard on any business as they are labor intense, difficult to reverse, and cause additional fees.
The best way to not incur chargebacks is to communicate with your patrons early, clearly, and often in regards to your event status and all of their options as well as that their charges will be seen on their statements as "ShowTix4U."
We recommend emailing your patrons (Downloading Email Addresses), posting on social media, or using your organization's website to post up to date information.
The best way to not incur chargebacks is to communicate with your patrons early, clearly, and often in regards to your event status and all of their options as well as that their charges will be seen on their statements as "ShowTix4U."
We recommend emailing your patrons (Downloading Email Addresses), posting on social media, or using your organization's website to post up to date information.