ShowTix4U - Event Organizers Support Center

How to cancel your event (high impact):

-Cancelling event (greatest impact):
-Close the public sales for your event by clicking on “Edit” under the event gear icon and scrolling to the very bottom until you see each individual performance box. Look for “Public Sale End” drop down and switch to “Sales Closed” (you will need to do this for each performance). You may want to use the “Event Subtitle” field to communicate additional information to your patrons. If you are refunding patrons for their purchase, please keep in mind fees are non refundable. You will need to make sure the “Allow Refund” preference under the main menu, “Client Preferences/Users,” is set to “Yes” (see “Reminders” below). You will want to access “Search” from the main menu. Choose the event from the “Events/FlexPass” drop down and click “Search". Roll over the “Release Options” and choose “Release and Refund” for each transaction. If a patron has purchased for multiple events where one or more events in the transaction is or will not be cancelled, be sure to only refund the specific tickets for the canceled event, do NOT refund the entire transaction.

Video Tutorial on Refunds:

-The ShowTix4U site and staff will not refund any tickets sales without your express permission through settings in your account. Client users should login to ShowTix4U, access the main menu, choose “Client Preferences/Users” and scroll down to “Options.” Please check the setting for “Allow Refunds.” If set to “Yes,” you are giving your patrons, your users, and ShowTix4U permission to refund the face value of any tickets. If you wish to not offer refunds by policy or because you are simply postponing your event, set this option to “No.” In this case, patrons who contact us will be informed that your organization does not allow for refunds.

-If you are wanting to communicate with patrons that have purchased tickets for an event, you can easily download all their email addresses by accessing “Search” from the main menu. Choose the Event from the “Events/FlexPass” drop down and click “Search.” Scroll to the very bottom of the found set and click the “Export CSV” button. Open the downloaded CSV file and you will find a column listing all the email addresses. Please be sure to use a marketing email application or the BCC field in your email application so not to expose all the email addresses of fellow patrons.

-TIP: Most arts organizations rely on box office revenue to support their activities. By postponing your event or requesting patrons to consider their purchase for a now cancelled event as a donation or credit instead of a refund, your organization may weather these challenging times.